Pricing and delivery - July 28th 2024

Compilation of MSDS by an online order. €200,-
Compilation of MSDS with required information attached the order. €300,- (See bulk discount)
Revision of a MSDS previously compiled by Sensor Chemcontrol AS €190,-
Registration of product at ECHA € 260/140 (First/subsequent)
Colors and company profile, see examples 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 € 0,-
Logo and seal of approval €24,- / €12,- (First/subsequent)
Distribution of the MSDS to the Sensor-portal. € 0,-
Delivery time: Usually 5 working days from order confirmation. (Note 2)    

Note 2: If the manufacturer needs to be contacted this may affect the delivery time.


Bulk discount

We offer the following bulk discount:

3-5 MSDS5% discount  
6-20 MSDS10% discount  
21-50 MSDS 20% discount  
More than 50 MSDSPlease contact us for a quote  

Required information

( 1 ) To prepare a safety data sheet we need to know all hazardious ingredients (according to ECHA) present in the product. The ingredients are identified by a CAS number, EC number or index number.
You will find most of the hazardious ingredients in the European Chemical Agency's substance database CL inventory.
( 2 ) Information on how the product is used and its primary function.
( 3 ) Chemical properties and/or a technical data sheet.


More information on the creation safety data sheets.

Click here for more information on what we offer.


Order and contact details

Sensor Chemcontrol AS
Storgata 30
3611 Kongsberg

Phone +47 32 77 06 60