Pricing and delivery - July 28th 2024
Compilation of MSDS by an online order. | €200,- |
Compilation of MSDS with required information attached the order. | €300,- | (See bulk discount) |
Revision of a MSDS previously compiled by Sensor Chemcontrol AS | €190,- | |
Registration of product at ECHA | € 260/140 | (First/subsequent) |
Colors and company profile, see examples 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | € 0,- | |
Logo and seal of approval | €24,- / €12,- | (First/subsequent) |
Distribution of the MSDS to the Sensor-portal. | € 0,- | |
Delivery time: Usually 5 working days from order confirmation. (Note 2) |
Note 2: If the manufacturer needs to be contacted this may affect the delivery time.
Bulk discount
We offer the following bulk discount:
3-5 MSDS | 5% discount | |
6-20 MSDS | 10% discount | |
21-50 MSDS | 20% discount | |
More than 50 MSDS | Please contact us for a quote |
Required information
( 1 ) To prepare a safety data sheet we need to know all hazardious ingredients
(according to ECHA) present in the product. The ingredients are identified by a
CAS number, EC number or index number.
You will find most of the hazardious ingredients in the European Chemical
Agency's substance database
CL inventory.
( 2 ) Information on how the product is used and its primary function.
( 3 ) Chemical properties and/or a technical data sheet.
More information on the creation safety data sheets.
Click here for more information on what we offer.
Order and contact details
Sensor Chemcontrol AS |
Phone +47 32 77 06 60 |